Saturday, September 1, 2012

Hey, DNC, prepare to get mocked

National conventions are meant to inspire the party. But inevitably, they also inspire mockery. With its 140-character limit, Twitter is often the repository for that mockery. Here's a sampling of fun poked at the Republican National Convention. Stay tuned for DNC teasing.


Unknown said...

Don't get taken in, only go to the official sites for the real information on Charlotte.

Anonymous said...

Hey Observer, can you please not post pictures or screen caps with profanity in them? I'd rather not read the word "bulls***" as part of a tweet relating to a news story. Thanks.

Chris said...

I've read Dennis Miller's "table turning" tweet a dozen times and it still doesn't make any sense. Here it is again:

"DNC will spend less on their convention because if Biden and Pelosi actually blow up the balloons they will in fact be filled with helium."

That's not mockery, it's word salad ala Palin.

Anonymous said...

Hey Chris, Helium is hot air. Get someone to explain it to you.

"Because of helium's relatively low molar (atomic) mass, its thermal conductivity, specific heat, and sound speed in the gas phase are all greater than any other gas except hydrogen."

Fire Coach K said...

If a joke requires an explanation of thermal conductivity, it's probably not that funny in the first place.

Chris said...

Yo Anon 8:59, helium != hot air. Air is composed primarily of nitrogen and oxygen, while helium is an entirely separate chemical element. Here is some Chem 101 for you:

There is in fact a nationwide shortage of helium right now, so I'm sure any politician of any stripe would find great fund-raising potential in the actual ability to exhale helium.

Anonymous said...

The real tragedy is that someone needed a hot air joke to be explained in the first place.

Double Deac said...

It's really only Dennis Miller who blows.

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