Monday, February 15, 2010

Wanted: Your story ideas on social networking and digital developments

On the drive in to work this morning I was thinking about what most people think of on the drive to work: what I'd be doing at work. And for some reason the words "Linux" and "open source" popped into my head.

Maybe that's because I've been hearing so much recently about the need for newspapers to develop more two-way conversations with readers, especially since New Media companies like Google are eating our lunch (literally, if you ask Rupert Murdoch). So, like the Linux guys and their collaborative software, I'm open-sourcing my week. Call it Open Source Monday here at @Charlotte.

A couple of story threads I'm thinking of following: Local politicians and how well or badly they're using Facebook and Twitter; The growing use of Foursquare and other geolocation networks in Charlotte; and how schools are controlling the use of social networks on school computers. (Charlotte Mecklenburg Schools, for instance, recently put out a new policy that keeps FB strictly verboten on their computers, but YouTube's allowed).

So, what do you guys think about those topics? Know of something else cool or new or important on the local social networking scene that I should look into? Caveat #1: I can't promise I'll do a story on every idea, but all will be considered. Caveat #2: Charlotte-centric ideas are sexiest.

Send 'em my way now via Twitter, on Facebook, or e-mail!


discourser said...

Sorry, Eric. This topic is stretching it. One thing that drives me crazy about CNN and other news networks is when they televise what people are Twittering. If I want to see what people are Twittering or Facebooking, etc., I'll go to those applications.

There's a lot of stories to be told in Charlotte and I really wish the CO would put more focus/reporters on local news.

DanStat said...

The CMS ban on social networking sites is damaging and archaic. Rather than educating students on proper use of the sites, they restrict them. CMS owes it to students to educate them on the dangers/benefits of social networking in the same way they educate them on sex.

Kyle Merville said...

Social networking is great but there is still the problem of REACHING your target audience and having them keep up with your information.

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