Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Videos: Opinions about DNC venue change vary

Two delegates to the convention, one happy about Wednesday's announcement that Thursday's speech by President Obama will move from Bank of America Stadium to Time Warner Cable Arena because of weather concerns, and one not happy: Unhappy: A Georgia delegate Happy: A California delegate Which side are you on?


  1. Have you ever heard of an event being canceled 48 hours in advance at Bank of America Stadium because of weather?

    Even if it had to be canceled even if you have to evacuate the stadium it would be better than another broken Obama promise.

    lies just damn lies

  2. Could be that he couldn't fill the stadium with students and children from NC/SC

  3. What a crock! Weather cancels a stadium event? That's unheard of. Either they couldn't get enough people, or there was a bomb threat, or they had a lot of delegates complain about the chance of getting wet, or some other excuse...

  4. Doesn't look like any of you are in Charlotte or you would know we've had severe thunderstorms since Monday evening. Get a grip and find something of substance to talk about. I had planned to attend along with 65,000 other friends. It is what it is, and from an event planner, you have to set up in advance.

  5. sharing delegate credentials? Um?

  6. We have been experiencing sudden wicked thunderstorms in the area. I think the right decision was made for everyone's safety. If the venue had not been changed and a tragedy happened, the GOP would have a field day over that too....and I'm a Republican.

  7. Cedar Post: A political event is VERY different from a Football game!

  8. They have 19,000 people on the STANDBY LIST to get in! Use your brains morons... Oh wait, let me think... 65,000 people + TV equipment + sound systems + lights + water & lightning = mass death! Uh, yeah they needed to move it inside!

  9. Sounds like the tatoo-ed kids roaming poor neighborhoods begging them to protest during the DNC couldn't get enough folks to come. The bloom is off the rose. Even the working black folks I talk to say they are extremely disappointed with Obama. I find it hilarious that the weather is being blamed. There is a 30% chance of isolated thunderstorms not hurricane Issac. Spin, Spin, Spin. Pitting white versus black. Poor versus affluent. Smart versus dumb. It's just getting so difficult to keep selling the same old smoke and mirrors. I know there are folks that just want a check but more people want a job. Let's let the serious adults in the room take over and kick Chicago crony capitalism and the Florida German Electro-Hair Doll Shultz out to the playground.

  10. I'm excited that the 30, 40 or 50,000 extra folks who were going to attend the Obama acceptance speech are still coming to Charlotte. Might I encourage them to go out to eat, buy some gas, do a little shopping, buy some snacks and help us support our retail and hospitality firms? We need your spending! So, please find a great restaurant, go tailgating, enjoy our great Charlotte weather and help us boost the economy by dropping some cash here. Thank You!

  11. Events like this should at least look dignified for the participants if possible. Even assuming thousands would risk the rain, to what benefit is that to the message? I would have found it calculating to fill a wet stadium just to prove you could (or not fill the stadium only to spin it that it wasn't full because of rain). Thousands drenched in formal wear looks tacky - people covering up with programs and cardboard, squinting, unable to maintain their look or even hear on the most important night? A rookie move. The weather was not the story. We should pay attention to what they actually say and and not the bells and whistles. Stop letting TV talking points fed to us divide us from common sense and common courtesy.

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